the proximity of Oklahoma, the luxury of Vegas. Choctaw Casino & resorts has three separate properties all ready to raise the stakes and your expectations of what luxury gaming should be. I provided the following deliverables While working on this brand: website copy, radio, tv, OOH, social, and helping with event deliverables.
Ahead of the game tv - played locally during Super Bowl
CW: Jay Cook AD: Brandon nguyen CD: dustin Ballard, Andy Coulson Agency: trg creativity
BMW marathon

CW: Jay Cook AD: Brandon nguyen CD: David canright, Tim tone Agency: trg creativity
Walmart amp
brand lines shown during a summer concert series by genre.

CW: Jay Cook AD: Brandon nguyen CD: David canright, Tim tone Agency: trg creativity
pinnacle hills mall placement

CW: Jay Cook AD: Brandon nguyen CD: David canright, Tim tone, Dustin Ballard Agency: trg creativity